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pc builds

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As any good nerd would, I built my own PC. But I’ve built more than just that! During quarantine none of my friends and cousins had good enough PCs for school, so I built those too. Well, technically I refurbished them. Maybe like six or seven years ago, me and my friends helped this preschool fix up their computer lab, which has these old vista PCs. Like… I had used them to learn typing when I went there for kindergarten. That old. Anyway, the teachers had nothing to do with the old computers, so they gave them to my dad. He had no use for them, so he gave them to me to play around with during quarantine. So, I’d refurbish them on the condition that my friends cover the price of the new internals, which was a pretty sick deal, since the old PCs already came with cases, fans, and power supplies. It was a pretty neat little project for a middle schooler, and I got to learn a lot about computers in the process.

If possible, I’ll try to reach out to my old friends and see if they can send pictures of the build, since I want to show, not tell you about my PCs (TvT)b